K2 In My Life?

So maybe the title is a bit misleading.In face I bet many of you are expecting me to make this a drug recovery story.Sorry to disappoint you but its not.This is actually about my sister.See I didnt know what K2 was.I didnt know it was like pot.

I didnt know it was harmful.I didnt know any of this till the day my sister went into labor.

I will never forget that day.I was driving home when my Dad called.My younger sister's water had broke.I was very excited but a little down that I was going to miss the birth.I wished my sister good luck and hung up.An hour later I was surprised to find that my sister was still at the house.She didnt want to go to the hospital but she wouldnt tell anyone why.I got scared and jumped into Mommy role.I told her to get her butt to the hospital now before she had the baby on the floor.I even started calling every nurse and health practitioner I knew to find out what the worst case scenario could be.At that time they told me a dry birth. 

I remember being scared.I was worried about my baby sister.She was having her first baby and I was not there to hold her hand.That fear would quickly turn to anger.

"Hunny your sister is ok, but your nephew is in ICU.He isnt breathing on his own.His color is good, but he wont open his eyes, and his heart rate isnt good either."

Those words should have never of come from my Dad's mouth.He shouldnt be crying on the phone.He shouldnt be scared that his grandson was going to die.I shouldnt be having flashbacks of my daughter dieing in my arms.I shouldnt be smelling the freshly turned dirt.That day rocked my world.

The following days were a blur.Slowly we found out that my sister smoked a substance known as K2.Its a drug.Some states have already made it illegal.Its illegal for the military to smoke it as well.To make matters worse we found out that the babies daddy was also doing bath soaps.Now my little nephew is paying the price.

The good news is my nephew didnt die.He was in the ICU for over a week but little man was strong and pulled through.Now I am spreading the word about how harmful K2 can be especially if your pregnant.If nothing else realize that the little body inside of you didnt choose to be there but they are, and they deserve the best life they can have.

Article Written by danibush4

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