10 Things That Can Make Your Relationship Stronger

Lets face the facts in this day and age it is extemely common for couples to break up or divorce.So what do you do when you want to make your relationship last? Well I surveyed some couples that have been together for many years and they offered some sound advice that may just make your relationship stronger.

1.Never go to bed angry.

Its common knowledge that in a relationship there will be conflict, and trials.Its human nature and if you agreeded upon everything, life would be a little boring.However, by setting a rule early in the relationship that you will never enter your bed angry you have made a pact to resolve your issues and be able to move past the anger.By resolving the issue that day and compromising your not letting the problem grow overnight and it gives you the chance to calmly discuss your feelings.


Leave little love notes.

Whether its a note on the bathroom mirror awaiting your significant other, or just a random text message simply saying I love you can impact the other persons day.Think about it, your significant other has a stressful day at work, they finally get lunch and when they open the bag there is a post it note from you saying I love you.

3.Remember to always date.

This means that no matter how long you have been together always set aside time for just you two.It does not have to be anything that cost money, a simple walk around the block at dusk holding hands can be extremely romantic and it gives you time to reconnect with your loved one.

4.Never assume the person knows you love them.

After a year or two of being together day to day life can get hectic.Dont just assume that because you come home every night that your significant other knows that you love them.Make sure you tell them I love you.Those three words can impact their life immensly.

5.Be an active listner.

If your significant other is talking try to pay attention to what they are saying.It may seem trivial to you but if they are taking the time to inform you about something it means that it may not have been trivial to them.

6.Always kiss goodbye.

Life is full of surprises and unfortunately not all of them are good.Make sure that you kiss your love one goodbye., For one it may lead to a much happier later, and for two it gives you that skin to skin contact with the one you love.

7.Choose your fights.

Is fighting over who is going to take out the trash really important enough to ruin your relationship? There will be problems and trials, life is stressful enough why fight about small things? Try to be open and compromise, make sure you have the relationships best intrest at heart not just your own.

8.Dont hold a grudge.

If your significant other forgot your birthday two years ago and you still bring it up when you have an argument about something else you are wrong.You must learn to forgive and let it go.Yes your feelings may have been hurt, but if you are still with that person then that means that you love them enough to forgive them.Do not hold previous mistakes or mishaps against your partner.

9.Cuddling is great medicine.

Ok so snuggling up under a blanket may not cure the flu but it may help your partner relax after a bad day at work.Simply wrapping your arms around them for a hug could make them feel a whole lot better, and again its a great way to have contact with the person that lights up your day.

10..Be honest with your partner.

If you are not happy about something that has happened dont ignore it and hope it will change.Have the courage to sit and calmly talk it over with your loved one.Hiding your feelings will not change the problem and might eventually make it worse.Your partner is not a mind reader and if you are pretending everything is ok how are they suppose to know any differently?


Always remember not everything is going to be perfect.There are ups and downs in any relationship, but dont make an ant hill a mountain.

Article Written by danibush4

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